Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Shricken Layuuhggss

Chicken Legs or as it is funner to say:
Shricken Layuuhggss.
This is only for those of us who really like a whole bunch of dramatics in each drawn out word.
It's a Texan thing, Maybe. Ya'awwll.


Meat with its own handle for holding.

Hand-y, (Haha!)
Super easy & delicious! 

I fixed these little daddies last night as they had held out as long as they could in the fridge before I HAD  to put them in the freezer and store them properly before they spoiled & where ultimately, they would languish, forgotten. 

Run on sentences are fun. Incorrect, but still fun.

I started by busting them out of the package and placing them in a real handy disposable aluminum pan. I remembered prettyyy quickly that I hate waste and decided that even though this pan was termed "disposable" and that I do have a REAL issue with raw poultry and its pesky bacteria reputation, I would be breaking out the Dawn and hanging on to it. I lined up the legs and drizzled some extra virgin olive oil over all of them. I used a mix of a Greek seasoning that I'd found at a Western store here in town (I KNOW!) and a seasoning that our family practically sustains our life on. It's found on almost all spice aisles and really makes my toes tweet. What I'm trying to say here, is that it's a keeper. I sprinkled and shimmied and decided to add some onion and garlic powders as well because it would require more shimmy and who, please tell me, WHO does NOT like an opportunity to shimmy behind a pan of soon to be deliciousness? I let the little guys hang out together while the grill heated up and I put together a side dish. My real cute husband showed up just in time from work and was all to happy to do the manly duty of grilling meat. I was glad because I just like to do the pretty and fun parts and all the shimmy type stuff. I'm thankful he is okay with that arrangement or doesn't even think about there being an arrangement or care or know......or something. The legs grilled up perfectly in about a hot hour or so and were the tasty dream I'd imagined them to be. So simple, so cheap. So glorious on a Tuesday! Here's a recipe:

- 1 package of chicken legs (aka: Shricken Leyuughhsss) or however much you need for the amount of folks who are eatin'.

- 3 Tablespoons or so of Cavender's Greek Seasoning. (This can be found anywhere just about but I found it one Saturday when I was looking for boot socks at Cavender's Western Wear and instead of leaving with socks, I left with seasoning. Life is so funny sometimes.)

-3 Tablespoons or so of Uncle Chris' Seasoning, a Fiesta brand. This can also be found at all grocery stores( In Texas for sure). It hangs out with all the other Fiesta seasonings and tries to look cool.)

-1 Tablespoon each of Garlic and Onion Powders. DO NOT forget to shimmy as you shake. It's seriously important. 

- 1/3 C. of good Extra Virgin Olive Oil so all yous seasonings will stick real right. 

Drizzle your legs with the olive oil, sprinkle all your seasonings right on there and make sure they are good and coated. Fire off your grill and start them off at 375 degrees for 20 minutes, then reduce your temperature to 350, closing your grill lid and "baking" them for an additional 40 minutes to an hour, depending on how large them legs are. Rotate them frequently and for the last 5 minutes or so, bump up your heat and leave the grill lid open so they get nice and crispy. 

Lots of love and a package of Chicken Legs,

Thursday, October 1, 2015


October, hello darling. 

We've all been waiting on you!

You took your time and we sweated through summer 2015 but now we know that your mornings hold chilly promise of actual comfortable hoodie wearing (I've forced the issue prior to this day and shed many a hoodie) and that it is officially OKAY to reaallly start to look forward to the fun holidays that are all just around the corner! It's more than's a cause for celebration! Halloween is in 30 days! Thanksgiving is I'm going to have to Google a calendar to count the days...but it's soon!!

We love your oranges and browns and beige-y beauty. We love your promises of beautiful pumpkins, apple & cinnamon everything, gatherings with friends & family for any reason possible and sweet kiddos and babies taking to the streets that one fateful night in search of the wonderfulness that we ALL know a King sized Snicker candy bar to be.

We are grateful that each year of this life, you come back around and we are reminded that there is so much beautiful life to be lived, looked forward to & expected and held close to our hearts. That in the ending three months of this year, we are blessed with God's Love and Grace as we always are and that we all have the opportunity to make the most of every day carrying, contemplating and serving love to each other in any way possible. It matters. Everything does! 

Challenge!! I am going to encourage you to literally pick apart each day of these next few months. Take time to be as fully present as possible. To notice all the little things. To tell people from the heart how thankful you are for them and how important & loved they are. To be weird, odd and happy. To buy Christmas gifts and stand in whatever store or aisle you are on and think about that person and why they mean so much to you. Write a card telling them so. Take time to sit and remember your favorite memories and take time to make brand new ones! Take time to serve to your biggest ability in any way that you know how to. Make a difference in someone's life and in this world we are all living in. Most importantly,

I'd like to encourage you to spend time seeking our Father God. The Creator who made all of this life possible. The One who loves us all in a way that is impossible to wrap your mind around. The One who cherished you before you were even born. The One who created you so special and worthy. I'm so grateful for Him. For His Grace. For His Love. For the chance He gives everyday to do and be and know something more.

If you are willing to take this challenge with me, I'd love to hear all the ways you are making each day count! I'd love to get to chat and visit and encourage each other! Leave me a comment here or visit me on FB @

Love and many many happy days that include hoodie wearing,